Unfortunately the weather wasn't very inviting, but still some cubs, scouts, leaders, parents and friends thereof came to the field by the Scout hut in Falkenberg, when Falkenberg Scout group participated in JOTA/JOTI for the first time in approxomately 15 years.

Falkenberg Radio Amateur Club, SK6JX, helped set up the radio and we had at the most three computers with a mobile internet connection linked up to the JOTI site.

The Swedish introductory speach was held by the acting vice president of the Scout Association, Erik Sillén in Stockholm. In the picture above, Reino from the Radio Club is announcing that Falkenberg is on the air.

There was plenty to do around the little caravan that held the radio. Among other things our mobile climbing wall was up, and there was a quiz walk.

When people got peckish, there was hotdogs and buns to barbeque over the fires.

Next year we're definately going to do it again, but indoors! October on the west coast of Sweden can be very rough. This year it only rained a little bit, the winds were managable and it was just 9 degrees Centigrades. It could be considerably worse!

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