No Cubs this week, as it is the Easter holidays. Last weekend, while I was discussing the future leadership courses at Kjesäter Scout Centre, (also see blogg from January this year! Haven't learnt how to link to tags) both packs enjoyed half a day with the Rover Scouts, who had prepared both indoor and outdoor activities, as well as a light meal consisting of hot dogs and buns.
"She works here, she is a scout leader! ", they eagerly called out and pointed to the Leader Room. (Correct answer: Sixth Form Teacher) I bet they think that I live in that room too!
The pictures are from earlier today. It snowed all through the night and most of the morning. Then the wind turned and suddenly warmer air came in from the sea and it started thawing. But
now the wind is picking up again and it has started snowing quite alot. It is almost time to go out and do the pavements again! (There is a law here that states that as a house owner you have to keep the paths clean in front of your house). Well, the good thing is that I don't have to feel guilty about not doing enough about the garden!
1 comment:
Great blog ... and thanks for the link. I will put a link to your blog on mine as well.
Great pictures of all the snow - can't imagine how cold it must be when we are sitting here down south in the heat! Go well!
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