Sweden is very wet, dark and cold at the moment. When meetings start at 5.30 it is already pitch black, so after singing our cub scout song we go indoors.

This meeting was about symbols and cermonies, an important part of scouting. The sixes are now finally fixed for this year, and all sixes were to make a new flag with the six's totem or symbol on.

The sixes worked very well together, and the flags turned out beautifully. We use awning cloth, donated by a local company,
Falkenbergs persiennfabrik, and craft felt for our flags, which makes them wonderfully colourful.
After a quick steam release game and the scout song, it was time to get out into the dark and the rain again. Now we're starting to prepare for the annual Christmas market on the first Sunday of Advent, where the Cubs will be busy busy, selling raffle tickets, hot dogs and calenders.
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