Last weekend of August, and 700 scouts gathered in the site of the 2011 World Scout Jamboree for seminars and information about upcoming events in Swedish scouting. The WSJ planning team was present, and so was the B-P Fellows, His Majesty, King Carl Gustav of Sweden.
His Majesty is the grey-haired man between the man in black and the man in grey, just in front of the portal.We are subjects of experiments, trying out the proposed camp toilets, showers and some of the other facilities. Representatives from the Federation committee and the various subcommittees are present to answer questions and inform of the program reform, the WSJ, other European camps, and functions within the international scout sphere.

The shop is doing brilliantly, as the foreign guests are shopping madly for the Swedish profile clothes, and I don’t blame them: The clothes are wonderfully designed, reasonably prized and probably very cheap, considering the Swedish currency being so weak at the moment. One Japanese lady walked out of the shop, carrying at least 5 Swedish scout uniforms! The piles of Simply Scouting WSJ profile merchandize melted away during the day.

Myself, I was in place to inform about my work with the Challenger scout material, and to get input from leaders and scouts, and to help inform about the program reform and the new Leader book that I have helped with (in a very small way). It will be published in November, and we have a trail print with us for feedback. Generally the reception has been positive so far.
Now, I'm in the café. I've lost the electricity cable for my computer and am about to loose power. But that's ok, Ik'll have another cup of coffee and listen to the band, and be a little bit sociable instead....
This all sounds so exciting. I have just completed my application form to be part of the SA Contingent for the WSJ 2011... so hopefully we meet up then!
Take care
Akela Joy
That's wonderful! I'm looking forward to it. Perhaps we should ask to have a "Those who blog about scouting" informal meeting at some point during camp?
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