Tonight the group celebrated end of term by a torch lit walk from the town centre to the scout hut, were Markus, our Scout master, held a lovely speach where he summed up the year. It has been a trying year in some respect, having to deal with the scout hut being vandalised almost every week periodically. But it has also been an inspiring year, working towards our centinary, landing the deal to arrange next year's major scouting event in Sweden, new leaders aboard, new scouts of all ages...
We're still the biggest and most prosperous group in the district, although in the second smallest town. Albeit that it's a small district, only seven groups, but still.
Markus concluded his speech by saying how proud he is to be apart of the group, and how proud he is to be a part of the world wide community of scouting. It was truly awesome, standing there in the dark winter's night, lit up by carosene lamps with the International Peace Light in them, and fires, listening to the scouts giving their Promise, some for the first time.
After the ceremony the leaders, the Challengers and the Rovers gathered for a coffee, chat and lottery drawing. The prizes were left over from the market the other week and consisted of mainly sweets. The takings went towards the painting and decorating of our cottage in the woods that the Rovers are undertaking. They've been sponsored with paint from Beranders Färg, a local paint shop, who has donated 20 litres of paint. So the rooms in the cottage has changed from being seventies algy green, murky brown and greyish-not-sure-if-it's-dirt-or-design to fire engine red, basil green and all sorts of cheerful colours!
Everyone at the meeting got to by raffle tickets, and everybody won, at least something. The Rover mascout, Efraim, was really lucky, winning on all seven of his tickets! I'm sure he'll share the takings with his friends, the Rovers. They deserve it!
Efraim, the Rover mascout
All in all, it's been a lovely scouting year, and the next will be challenging but even better!
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